Brazosport ISD Athletics

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Physical Examinations/Health Screenings

Athletics' Participation (Secondary Grade Levels Only)

A student who wishes to participate in, or continue participation in, the district's athletics program governed by the UIL must submit certification from a healthcare provider authorized under UIL rules that the student has been examined and is physically able to participate in the athletic program.

This examination is required in the first year of middle school competition and the first and third years of high school competition. During the alternate years, the student must complete a medical appraisal form, and the results of this appraisal may prompt the district to require a physical examination.

Student safety in extracurricular activities is a priority of the district. The equipment used in football is no exception. As a parent, you are entitled to review the district's records regarding the age of each football helmet used by the campus, including when a helmet has been reconditioned.

UIL Required Student Athlete Participation Forms

Athletic physical forms have now gone electronic for all schools, using computer software through Rank One Sport. The electronic forms can be completed online using the student Chromebook or your own personal computer.

To access the online forms hold your cursor over the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab. You will get a drop-down list of the forms.

  • Click on the form name and fill out the information requested.
  • To sign the document click inside the signature box and hold your mouse down, this will allow you to create an “Electronic Signature”. If you make a mistake and need to start over click on the refresh icon next to the signature box.
  • Once you have filled out all of the information on each page you will have the opportunity to print the document.
  • You will receive a confirmation email once the document has been reviewed by the BISD staff.

The only form you will need to print, fill out, have signed and return is the Physical Form Part 2.

By UIL regulation, all students participating in athletics or marching band activities for the 2021-2022 school year will be required to receive a PPE. Only those students who participated in athletics during their seventh grade year for the 2020-2021 school year are exempted from this rule.  BISD district policy states that physicals need to be conducted after May 1st of the previous school year, before entering the fall semester. Failing to do so will impact your child’s athletic eligibility.